Rabbits & Chickens

Silver Fox Rabbits
**updated 8/3/24
​We have one buck from spring litters still available. He is lilac and carries tort so he'll be a big color producer. All of our other young stock is currently being held to attend our county fair with our boys. Early September we will have more young stock available from the litters listed below.
Yama -Lilac buck - (Old Blue x Judo) dob 3/8
Doug x Alice
DOB 5/11/24 (black)
Static x Sadie
DOB 5/11/24 (black)
Burrata x Queso
DOB 5/11/24 (black and chocolate)
Mini Lops
Timothy x Ruby
Due July 16
DOB 7/20/24 (broken chinchilla, broken gold tipped steel, 2 broken black, 2 black, chinchilla)
BG x Betty
Due July 16
DOB 7/19/24 (black tort, black, broken black tort)
​Timothy x Dahlia (Mini Lop)
DOB 4/3/24
We will have some Mini Lop kits available this fall after our county fair in August. If you're interested in getting on a list for a lop, let us know. This litter has produced some absolute dolls as far as temperament.
Upcoming Litters
​We are planning to breed again in September so we hope to have our fall litters beginning in October.
If you are interested in any of the above rabbits, please email arborhousefarm@gmail.com
As always, we focus on breeding our rabbits for show-quality kits that will excel in a meat and fur production program.

Mini Lops
We had our first Mini Lop kits this spring, and we will have some available after our county fair in August.

Brown Hylines
After our County Fair in August, we will have a limited number of our Brown Hylines available. They will have just begun laying and should continue laying some over the winter months, though they may slow down a bit. These birds are incredible layers and can lay over 450 eggs by the time they're 20 months old.

Colored Breeds
We've decided that we may raise another batch of chicks this fall to begin laying early next year and sell some of the birds the kids raised this summer. I know many people would rather buy a pullet who has just begun to lay than to raise them from chicks, so we may be headed in the direction of being able to sell laying pullets from the farm as well. Breeds we might sell include Speckled Sussex, Self-Blue (Lavender) Orpington, and Welsummer. If you're interested in buying one of our colored birds, reach out and we can discuss which birds are available.
Inquire with us
If you're interested in any of our available rabbits or chickens, please reach out to us!